Workshops and Retreats

Wisdom Within offers a variety of workshops and retreats throughout the year. The weekend workshops are the "Women Inspiring Women / Goddess Retreats" that mainly take place in Sooke BC, Alberta and International.
Next International Retreats - Alberta, Sedona, AZ, El Salvador
Greece, Italy
Please check back frequently to see the dates and locations of up and coming retreats and workshops ... or sign up for
the newsletter and have the info e-mailed directly to you!

check out the interviews with Shama Below to get a sense of Damanhur:…/dt057-shama-viola-on-time-travel-a…
INTRODUCTION TO DAMANHUR and MUSIC of the Plants Demonstration.... by Donation - Private Readings $50/30 min
Damanhur is a living laboratory and eco-community in northern Italy, co- creating the dream of a New Humanity. Based on ethical and spiritual values, Damanhur is perhaps best known for its
extraordinary subterranean work of art known as the Temples of Humankind, that is often desc...ribed as the "Eighth
Wonder of the World." This complex was entirely dug by hand into the heart of a mountain. Decorated with mosaics, stained glass, sculptures, wall paintings and other works of art, it is
dedicated to the awakening of the divine spark present in every human being. Damanhur has been designated by a branch of the United Nations as a model of a sustainable eco-community for the
future of Humanity.
Learn more about Damanhur on November 18th, 2016 @ 6:30 pm . Napea and Shama will offer an evening presentation featuring Damanhur. You will also have an opportunity to experience plants
making music using a Music of the Plants machine. This technology will also allow you to interact with the plants. There will be time for questions and an opportunity to learn about Damanhur
classes offered in Victoria. Cost is by Donation. Email to reserve your seat or call 250- 479-2801 for questions. (This picture is Damanhurs 40th Birthday Popolo - which was
part of the Damanhur Retreat I did in Aug-Sept 2015...such a Blessing...Layla

Wisdom Within Workshops & Retreats is Hosting Shama from Damanhur - Italy for an Introduction to Damanhur on Nov
24 and Past Lives Course Nov 25,26,2017 - Shama will also be offering Private Readings Nov 24 - in Victoria, BC Canada -
Location Given upon Registration.....
Join us on an AMAZING Journey.....check out posters and Shama Interview on Youtube which is a GREAT way to see how different this
course is than other Past Life Workshops - the Oracle in Damanhur will work with your photos and Birth Info for one month prior to the course so it is important to Register by Oct 20 - $100
Deposit - to Register or for moe information contact Layla
here is the video link of the Interview of Shama

Goddess Gathering - Networking - Ladies Fun Night
TBD - Victoria, BC
$15 plus Meal/Drinks
Usually Once per month....
RSVP to be added to the invite....
MEXICO January - February 2018 (to be included for more info please let me know ASAP)
GREECE GODDESS AND ITALY - DAMANHUR and Wine Tour - visit sites in Italy with me and my Daughter who lives at Damanhur near Turnino, Italy - we will be offering some of their programs to our Group - you can come for one -3 weeks - SPRING/SUMMER OF 2017 - contact me for more info.....