Living In Balance Oracle Cards

Wisdom | Faith + Trust | Transformation
3 of the 100 card set "Living In Balance" Oracle Cards created by Layla. Each card has one of Layla's beautiful photographs of our amazing world around us on one side, and her "Living In Balance" lessons, words of inspiration and exercises from her personal Life lessons on the other. [example of wording below]
$40 for a set (shipping extra). Comes in a lovely velvet bag.
To order your set today, click here.
Thanks so much Gail. I want you to know that Merle & I choose one of your cards every day & it has certainly made a big difference in our lives. Let the ladies know how wonderful it is to have a message to live by every day of your life. You certainly make a difference in our lives.
Love, Jan
Wisdom Within: We all have our own
answers if we sit still long enough to listen
The Wise Old Owl Knows, Do You?
Wisdom is Knowledge and a Heart Knowing...
Do you Trust Yourself and Source?
Do you Listen to your Inner Knowing
or are you searching outside of
yourself for the right answers?
Do you Believe everything you hear on the News?
Ask Yourself-Source a Question
"Is this the right career, relationship,
home, environment for me,
and then Be Still long enough to hear
your own answers... only you KNOW...
What is NEXT? What is my PURPOSE?
How can I Contribute to others?
"Who am I?"
To me the Young Generation are very WISE ...
Our Teachers... Leaders... Healers...
Today I Listen to my "WISDOM WITHIN"
"Wisdom Within-Living in Balance" Oracle Cards
Hello, My name is Layla, and I live in Victoria, BC, Canada - I am excited to share my "Wisdom Within-Living in Balance" Oracles Cards with you. I have a Passion for Photography and had several requests from others to share some of my photos, little did I know it would come together as it has in this deck of oracle cards. I always knew I wanted to publish some of my photos so I thought this is the perfect way to share them. I used a regular point and shoot digital camera for all of my photos, not much editing, just cropping, lightening and darkening the photos. The writings came as I sat at the computer... Most of my photos are around Victoria, Vancouver Island, Alberta, Cuba and Australia.
I am very excited to share my journey and "Wisdom Within - Living in Balance" lessons I have learned through my life experiences, as sometimes it
helps to hear others experiences to make changes in our lives. As I state in the cards, we all have our own "Wisdom Within" when we sit still long enough to listen... Since 2003 I have been creating "Women Inspiring Women/Goddess" retreats as a way to make a Difference in women's lives, through bringing in
a variety of unique speakers, healers, creativity and creating a safe space for women to connect heart to heart with other women, to me this is living my Purpose and Passion.
As most Entrepreneurs it takes a while to build your business luckily I have an amazing supportive husband, daughter and family that support me and I love to share
about. I hope my experiences, words of Inspiration and Exercises encourage you to look at Your life and Create "Living in Balance" for yourself. I am not saying life is Perfect and
I have it all handled, as that is one of the reasons I created this deck to remind myself to "Live in Balance" and remember to "Take Time Out Just For Me". Enjoy your
Copyright on Photos: to order Prints or Cards...
Please feel free to connect with me... Love Layla.....