Women Inspiring Women Worldwide
WIWW Directory is being Created by Layla for Women who are living their PURPOSE and PASSION and would like to share their Gifts with the World.... after several years of organizing "Women Inspiring Women/Goddess" Retreats and have had the Honour of several AMAZING Presenters and Healers she has decided to create a Directory for easy Access and an affordable way to Promote Women around the World - so as a Healer or a Woman looking for Healing, Workshops, Events of Like minded Women, offering Services such that as women we can support other women with the services we already use and ones we would like to discover more.... see link for more info...
About Wisdom Within

We currently offer retreats and promotional workshops locally (Vancouver Island, BC), in Alberta and in 2008 we had our first International Retreat in Perth, Australia, 2014 El Salvador and 2015 Italy - Next International Retreats are being planned for Mexico, El Salvador, Arizona 2016 and for Greece and Italy in 2017.
What differentiates us from other types of workshops is our unique emphasis on "Women Inspiring Other Women". The focus is on personal and professional growth being inclusive of a woman's entire life: relationships, career, finances, health, spirituality purpose and passion. Although women are our primary focus, couples and family workshops are offered.
Our commitment is to bring women together in a safe space; to nurture them, their families, communities and encourage them to be involved in living an extraordinary life.

About Gail/Layla (my spiritual name I am now going by as this "INSPIRES" me to live my HIGHEST PURPOSE...)
Layla - has an extensive background in Event Planning, Sales and Management. She has years of experience as a program registrar as well as a room supervisor for many of Landmark Educations International programs. These programs run anywhere from 3 days to a week in length.
She has worked with other organizations as well in creating
conferences and making sure that the experience was valuable for all who participated. Layla has managed and supervised events in major cities as well as on cruise ships. She brings her enthusiasm for life, partnership, excellence, fun and play to all she does.